Leadership Assessment


The greatest inhibitor of strategic execution in your business is a lack of leadership alignment. When your executive team struggles to agree on the most important aspects of your business, your employees have no chance of executing successfully or consistently. But a fully aligned leadership team can be the difference between pointlessly spinning your wheels and steamrolling the competition.  

Of course, you’ll still encounter occasional conflict – but with a fully aligned leadership team, those obstacles will become speedbumps instead of roadblocks on your path to success. 

The CEO Assessment of Leadership Alignment will help you determine how aligned or misaligned your leadership team may be. 

Carefully consider the following 24 statements through the lens of your business. Each is a common business problem often misdiagnosed and attributed to other causes, but the root of each is a clear lack of leadership alignment. 

Leadership Alignment Checklist 

Silos have formed making it more difficult and less likely for teams to collaborate, communicate and share information across functional lines.(Required)
Competing priorities impede the availability and sharing of resources, hampering our ability to execute on time, within budget, and up to quality standards.(Required)
My leadership team can’t agree on current priorities or the future direction of the business without significant help from me.(Required)
I can’t remember the last time we fully executed our strategic plan. That is, if we’ve even been able to agree on one in the first place.(Required)
Too much of my time is spent breaking deadlocks and ties in my executive meetings.(Required)
Members of my executive team come to me to complain about each other.(Required)
Conflicting communication from different leaders causes confusion and frustration among the rank and file.(Required)
Our business has plateaued despite clear opportunities for growth.(Required)
Expectations are unclear or nonexistent down through the organization and no one knows who is ultimately responsible for what.(Required)
Mistakes are repeated in different parts of the company because we’re not sharing lessons learned to prevent them from happening again.(Required)
Lack of accountability causes critical tasks to be missed and balls to be dropped.(Required)
A lack of accountability occurs throughout the organization.(Required)
Two or more divisions in the company are unwilling or unable to work well together.(Required)
Company leaders avoid difficult conversations because we’re unable to navigate conflict to find win/win solutions.(Required)
Leaders are more concerned with their own team’s needs and priorities than the greater good of the whole company.(Required)
When I ask my executives who their “team” is, they name their direct reports instead of their executive peers.(Required)
It takes us way too long to make simple decisions affecting the entire company.(Required)
My team can’t decide on the right metrics and KPIs to track and how to track them. In fact, we may not even have metrics and KPIs.(Required)
The organization culture isn’t what I want it to be, but we can’t agree on why or what to do about it.(Required)
Roles and responsibilities are unclear and/or multiple leaders on my team compete to own projects - or make someone else own them.(Required)
My team can’t seem to fix the chronic issues that have plagued us for some time despite the fact I’ve told them they need to.(Required)
Key initiatives like process improvement, product innovation, leadership development and culture improvement never seem to get rolled out, or they do but fail when we encounter resistance.(Required)
When customer complaints or issues occur, there’s more internal finger-pointing than problem-solving.(Required)
I’m frustrated by my team’s inability to work together.(Required)